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Acerca de
"New Direction"
1:1 Zoom Coaching Sessions
Are you ready to start living the life you desire and deserve?

Coming Soon!
Along with my love for writing, I am also passionate about The Law of Attraction.
We all work with this most significant of the Universal laws on a continual basis, although not always 'consciously'!
Once you start to work with it on a conscious level, (with intention)- this can generate massive, positive change in your life.
I have personally proven this, as I continually work with it to enhance my life.
I offer a 1:1 60 minute session (£60.00)via Zoom link, where we will look at the areas in your life where you would like to see improvement, and using the LoA, will put some key practices in place to help you achieve this.
To book your session, or to arrange a free 15 minute Zoom chat to find out more :
Please e-mail me at: amandaandersonauthor@gmail.com
Please enter the reference 'NEW DIRECTIONS' in the Subject field and let's
start using the Law of Attraction to create YOUR perfect life!
"My Perfect Life" Affirmations
card deck, to help you introduce
positive change to your life!
scientifically to
assist with positive improvement
to thought patterns.
"Thoughts Become Things"
My Law of Attraction/
Positive Mindset
Card deck provides the
perfect start to your
perfect day!